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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the membership fee for and how much is it?

Membership fees help us to ensure we have “skin in the game” as a show of commitment from members, fees also help to ensure we can be self-sustainable in the future. We have three options for membership:

1) Farming member ($75/annum)
2) Associate member ($50/annum)
3) Passive member ($25/annum)

What if I don't join?

By not joining the KCCC, you are forfeiting exclusive access to invaluable environmental information, essential resources, and some events. You will also miss out on having a say on how the allocation of funds for your catchment area are spent and being able to vote for the Hub Champ in your area.

What has KCCC achieved so far?

$950,000 - MPI Extension Services Funding
$300,000 - NIWE Funding, distributed by way of fencing gear to the community
$25,000 - Culverts to be distributed this month
$70,000 - Fencing materials distributed to the community after the flood
$30,000 - Funding Application for Dartmoor Community Hub Structure
Monthly Water testing through ALS Environmental NZ
Weekly Boxfit classes (running for 8 weeks)
Vegetation Fire Training
Patoka Hub Facilitated Session
Red Cross and First Aid Training

What is the time obligation?

The aim is for each Hub to hold a meeting every two months, coordinated by your designated Hub Champ and Catchment Coordinator (Alice Beamish or Beckie Sayer). Additionally, we aim for each Hub to host a minimum of four annual events or field days tailored to their specific needs, driven by community input.

What can the money be spent on?

This will depend on your Hubs aspirations but as an example they could be: work streams for education, field days, workshops, research, monitoring, adverse event training, community halls, resilience planning, both individually and as a community,
biosecurity and pest control management.

How do I recommend something to get into the work stream?

To introduce an idea into the work stream, you will need to raise it during your Hub meetings, where it will be discussed among all members. Subsequently, your Hub Champion will advocate for it during a KCCC meeting, where the elected board will make the final decision.


About KCCC

The Kaweka Community Catchment Collective (KCCC) brings together the Dartmoor, Rissington, Patoka, and Puketitiri areas, covering around 64,000 hectares. Each area has its own "Hub," led by an elected hub champ. These hubs can focus on projects that match their community's goals and priorities. The KCCC committee, chaired by an independent leader, allows each hub champ to present their ideas and integrate them into the broader work stream. Additionally, coordinators Alice Beamish and Beckie Sayer are available to facilitate events and provide any needed information.

Who is someone I can talk to in my hub?

The designated Hub Champ is your first point of contact. 

Molly Alton - Patoka

Nicky White - Puketitiri

Branwyn Hartree - Dartmoor

KCCC Meeting
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Point Of Use

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Cynthia Bowers

Chair Person

Key professional skills: Twenty years’ experience in public practice accounting Twenty years’ experience as Management Accountant Leadership and governance roles in local government and other organisations Former Chartered Accountant Former Chartered Member, New Zealand Institute of Directors Governance and leadership experience: Current Chairperson of Hawke’s Bay Digital Archives Trust Deputy Mayor of Hastings District Council from 2001 to 2016 and Hastings District Councillor from 1995 to 2016 Director of Local Government Superannuation Trustee Ltd Past Chairperson of Horse of the Year (Hawke’s Bay) Ltd Past Branch Manager of Water Testing Hawke’s Bay Former director of Hawke’s Bay Opera House Ltd Former ministerial appointee to Waste Advisory Board (Ministry for the Environment) and Urban Cycling Investment Panel (NZ Transport Agency


Butch Paterson

Deputy Chair Person

Brent and his wife Jackie have a 600Ha property in Patoka. The property is managed by Ed and Ashley Bell. Glencoe runs a sheep, beef cow, wagyu, and dairy grazing system. Brent is Managing Director at Rural Directions Recruitment and HR (people business) and MyEnviro Ltd (environmental planning business) , two businesses developed to serve the primary sector across NZ. Brent is deputy chair of the KCCC and led the transition from the MCG to the KCCC. He is an elected member of the Aotearoa NZ Catchment Communities group which has been set up to advocate at Central Government level for the ongoing support of catchment groups and collectives.    “We have an amazing community and have shown how powerful our hubs can be in times of adversity, we now have a chance to own our solutions as members of the KCCC, we need to work together to demonstrate and prove our position of continuous improvement.”

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Kelly Thomson


Kelly Thomsen is an Accountant (BAcc) and co-owner of Bookkeepers NZ, where she partners with Diana Ketel to provide tailored Bookkeeping and Accounting services. With a background as a chef, Kelly brings her love for cooking and strong family values into both her personal and professional life. Driven by a desire to balance family, independence, and community, Kelly is dedicated to helping others thrive in their businesses. Married to Callum Thomsen, she is a proud mother of two: Payton (13) and Millie (11). In her spare time, Kelly enjoys playing tennis and nurturing her garden.

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Dave McCurdy

Committee Member

Dave McCurdy married to Binks with 3 children ( 21,19 & 15) Hail from southland but moved up to Glengarry Road 10 years ago to 1000ha sheep and Beef farm with a walking, hunting relaxing Lodge (Mangaone Hunting Lodge) situated on the farm as well. We did have a successful Glamping site situated on the Mangaone but Gabriel took care of that. Looking forward to being part of the team that helps bring the Mangaone back to its former beauty.

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Jeremy Absolom

Committee Member

Jeremy has a BCom from University of Otago and held many management and governance roles in the farming and meat industry over the last 30 years. His family have farmed at Rissington since 1882 where he is an owner/director of Rissington Cattle Company and Rissington Station today with his two brothers. Jeremy’s brother Ben was a founding committee member of the Mangaone Catchment Group and Jeremy was on the committee that formed the KCCC. The Absolom family is a big supporter of the Rissington Community Group co-hosting the annual community ANZAC day and Christmas events.

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Issy Crawshaw

Committee Member

Isabelle and her husband Patrick along with their two daughters own a 280ha and lease 360ha sheep and beef property in Patoka alongside their two team members Tayla and Cain. Isabelle works full time off farm as Relationship Manager at Unison Networks Ltd and holds numerous governance positions within the primary sector with a passion for celebrating excellence, promoting career opportunities and ensuring rural communities have the resources available to thrive. Isabelle’s current community and governance roles: Elected Rural Community Board Member and Deputy Chair on Hastings District Council for the Kaweka ward Deputy Chair of the Hawke’s Bay Rural Advisory Group, Vice President of the Hawke’s Bay A&P Society Trustee of the Future Sheep New Zealand Trust Trustee of the Hawke’s Bay Rugby Community Trust

KCCC Exectutive Committee


Molly Alton


I have a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Ecology and Geography from the University of Auckland. I am also a Certified Nutrient Management Advisor (CNMA). Currently, I am a Farm Sustainability Advisor with Ballance Agri-Nutrients, and have been for the past 3 years. I love my job and am passionate about contributing to a sustainable agriculture industry. As well as this, I am a sheep and beef farmer with my partner Ben in the Patoka district. Together we operate Waihau Terminal Sires, a terminal sire ram stud on our 220 hectare lease property


Nicky White


Nicky runs her family's 300ha organic sheep and beef farm in Pakaututu, where she grew up. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communications, and in English with Honours. Nicky is keen to be involved in projects that restore and protect the land and community that raised her.


Branwyn Hartree


Originally from the Pacific Northwest (USA), I met my husband Brent travelling in the Middle East just before Y2K. When I first joined him in Hawke’s Bay (in 2003), I spent several years driving tractors for orchards and vineyards in both Puketapu and Meanee. Returning to work after the births of our two children, I switched to farm work and doing the accounts here on Rotonui (586 ha sheep & beef along the Tūtaekurī River, breeding/finishing Romney, Wiltshire & Black Angus). I’ve followed the kids through the school system: first as the Puketapu Playgroup Co-ordinator, then serving on the Puketapu Pre-School Board, and finally joining the Puketapu School Parent League (PPLA). These days my time is shared between my own studies, family & farm, volunteer projects (Forest & Bird Nursery and Pest-Control at Ball’s Clearing) and my unoffical part-time position as chauffuer for our two teenagers (currently attending Taradale H.S.). I’m really excited to be a part of the KCCC going forward: identifying and addressing our community’s needs/goals within and with regard to our catchment context, challenges & values.

KCCC Hub Champs

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